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The Fusarium Head Blight Risk Assessment Tool can be accessed on-line at:

FHB Update for US, 3/21/2025

Submitted by National on 21, Mar 2025
The Fusarium Head Blight Prediction Center is active for the 2025 growing season. These tools provide daily estimates of disease risk for wheat in 35 states. The winter wheat crop is still at the early stages of vegetive growth. Winter wheat in parts of southern TX and LA will probably reach the flowering stages of growth that are most vulnerable to head blight over the next few weeks. The maps of disease risk indicates that the probability of severe head blight is low for most of the US today.

Tips for using the risk tools:

By default, the maps shows the disease risk for susceptible wheat varieties for today’s date. You can select earlier assessment dates by clicking on the calendar menu at the top of the risk map. Clicking on the map will activate graphs that display a 14-day summary of weather and disease risk for the selected location.

Use the menu button on the upper left to view risk maps for wheat varieties with other levels of genetic resistance to Fusarium head blight. This menu also provides options for viewing additional map features or restricting area displayed to just the major wheat production areas.

Risk maps based on 2, 4 or 6 days of forecasted weather can help users anticipate future trends in disease risk. These maps are available by selecting the 2d, 4d and 6d buttons to the right of the calendar menu.

--Erick DeWolf, Plant Pathologist, Kansas State University

FHB Update for US, 2/27/2025

Submitted by National on 27, Feb 2025
The Fusarium Head Blight Prediction Center is active for the 2025 growing season. These tools provide daily estimates of disease risk for wheat in 35 states. The tool shows the disease risk for susceptible wheat varieties for todays date. You can select earlier assessment dates by clicking on the calendar menu at the top of the risk map. Clicking on the map will activate graphs that display a 14-day summary of weather and disease risk for the selected location.

Use the menu button on the upper left to view risk maps for wheat varieties with other levels of genetic resistance to Fusarium head blight. This menu also provides options for viewing additional map features or restricting area displayed to just the major wheat production areas.

Risk maps based on 2, 4 or 6 days of forecasted weather can help users anticipate future trends in disease risk. These maps are available by selecting the 2d, 4d and 6d buttons to the right of the calendar menu.

--Erick DeWolf, Plant Pathologist, Kansas State University

FHB Update

Submitted by National on 9, Sep 2024

Wheat in much of the country is past the growth stages that are most vulnerable to Fusarium head blight. The risk maps from earlier in the 2024 season will remain available for several months so that users can review the outcomes for this year. We hope to see you next season when these tools are reset for 2025.


--Erick DeWolf, Plant Pathologist, Kansas State University

FHB Update for MN, 7/18/2024

Submitted by Northern Great… on 18, Jul 2024
The risk for Fusarium head blight remains moderate to high for highly susceptible varieties for most of Minnesota through the coming weekend. The marked difference in the risk of infection between highly susceptible and moderately resistant varieties remains the same.

More info at:…

--Jochum Wiersma, Small Grains Specialist, University of Minnesota

FHB Update for ND, 7/12/2024

Submitted by Northern Great… on 12, Jul 2024

Scab risk remains high for large areas of ND. Spring wheat growth stages range from jointing to early dough development. Barley is mostly headed and starting to "turn" in some areas. Both ground and aerial scab fungicide applications have been frequent in the state the state this year. Risk is likely to remain elevated into early next week.

 --Andrew Friskop, Associate Professor and Cereal Extension Pathologist, North Dakota State University

FHB Update for MN, 7/9/2024

Submitted by Northern Great… on 9, Jul 2024
I took a few days off over the July 4th Holiday weekend. The risk for Fusarium head blight did not; the risk for spring wheat varieties with a rating of 6 or worse continues to be moderate to high across all of Minnesota through the end of the week. The marked difference in the risk of infection between highly susceptible and moderately resistant varieties remains the same.

More info at:…

--Jochum Wiersma, Small Grains Specialist, University of Minnesota

FHB Update for ND, 7/1/2024

Submitted by Northern Great… on 1, Jul 2024
Fusarium head blight (scab) risk has increased significantly for susceptible and moderately susceptible varieties across most areas of North Dakota. Risk is also elevated for moderately resistant varieties for areas in northwest, north central, and southeast North Dakota. The significant jump in risk can be attributed to higher humidity levels observed last week, in addition to longer dew periods and rain across the state. The forecast indicates several rain chances this week that will likely keep risk elevated for much of the state. There appears to be three distinct planting dates of small grains in the state: early (already flowered), middle (likely flowering this week), and late (flowering in the next 10-14 days). Right now, it looks like the greatest scab risk in the state for this season will occur this week and last into early next week.

--Andrew Friskop, Associate Professor and Cereal Extension Pathologist, North Dakota State University

FHB Update for MN, 6/24/2024

Submitted by Northern Great… on 26, Jun 2024
Fusarium head blight risk for spring wheat varieties with a rating of 6 or worse will be high across much of the state through the end of the week. The heart of the Red River Valley is the only area with a low to moderate risk. A marked difference in the risk of infection exists between highly susceptible and moderately resistant varieties.

More info at:…

--Jochum Wiersma, Small Grains Specialist, University of Minnesota

FHB Update for ND, 6/20/2024

Submitted by Northern Great… on 20, Jun 2024
Fusarium head blight risk continues to remain low for most of the state. If a very susceptible variety was grown (FHB score of 7 or higher in HRSW Variety Guide), moderate to high risk exists in northeast North Dakota (Figure 1). Most of the state received rain over the past couple days, and several areas of the state will receive more rain in the coming days. The precipitation in combination with higher relative humidity values projected next week will likely increase scab risk in the state. Based on field reports, the earliest planted spring wheat is at boot to heading stages with the late planted wheat in the early leaf stages. Given the large variation in growth stages, make sure to pay attention to the weather and scab risk as the barley crop starts to head and the spring wheat and durum crop enter heading to flowering.

--Andrew Friskop, Associate Professor and Cereal Extension Pathologist, North Dakota State University

FHB Update for US, 6/12/2024

Submitted by National on 12, Jun 2024
The focus of the wheat scab (Fusarium head blight) prediction effort is currently on SD, MN and ND where wheat is approaching or already at the heading and flowering stages of growth that are critical to the development of Fusarium head blight. The risk maps are currently estimating a low risk of severe disease in these regions, but growers should monitor conditions carefully for extended periods of high relative humidity that favor disease development.

Below are a few tips for using the web-based tools: The website shows the disease risk for susceptible wheat varieties for today’s date. You can select earlier assessment dates by clicking on the calendar menu at the top of the risk map.

Use the menu button on the upper left to view risk maps for wheat varieties with other levels of genetic resistance to Fusarium head blight. This menu also provides options for viewing additional map features or focusing on just areas with a high density of wheat production.

Risk maps based on 2, 4 or 6 days of forecasted weather can help users anticipate future trends in disease risk. These maps are available by selecting the 2d, 4d and 6d buttons to the right of the calendar menu.

You can activate graphs of recent weather and trends in disease risk by clicking on the base risk map. The bottom graph panel displays the disease risk for wheat varieties with different levels of genetic susceptibility to Fusarium head blight. The top graph panel displays trends in relative humidity that are conducive for disease development.S

--Erick DeWolf, Plant Pathologist, Kansas State University
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