| Morden Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | | | |
| 2Blades Foundation | | | |
| 8th Avenue Food & Provisions | | | |
| AAFC, Brandon, Canada | | | |
| AAFC, Ottawa, Canada | | | |
| ABInbev | http://www.anheuser-busch.com | | Barley and Rice Breeding Busch Agricultural Resources, Inc. (BARI)
| Agricultural Retailers Association | https://www.aradc.org/home | ARA | |
| Agriculture & Agri-food Canada | https://agriculture.canada.ca/en | AAFC | Cereal Research Center Crops & Livestock Research Center Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Center Lacombe Research Centre Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Center Soils Crop Research and Development Center
| Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada (Ottawa) | | | |
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | | | |
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lacombe Research and Development Centre | | | |
| Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lacombe Research and Development, Morden Research and Development Centre | | | |
| Agriculture and AgriFood Canada | | | |
| Agripro Seeds/Syngenta | http://www.agripro.com | agripro | |
| Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development | http://www.agriculture.alberta.ca/app21/ | | |
| Alberta Wheat and Barley Commission | | | |
| All American COOP | | | |
| American Enviromental Service | | | |
| American Malting Barley Association | http://www.ambainc.org | AMBA | |
| American Seed Trade Association | https://www.betterseed.org/ | ASTA | |
| Anderson Wheat Farms | | | |
| Anheuser-Busch | | | |
| Auburn University | http://www.auburn.edu | | Dept. of Entomology & Plant Pathology
| Aventis | http://en.sanofi-aventis.com/index.asp | | Aventis Crop Science
| Barilla | | | |
| BASF | | | |
| BASF Corperation | | | |
| BASF Corporation | http://www.basf.com | BASF | Northern Plains Wheat Breeding Wheat Breeding Ops & Introgression
| Bay State Milling Company | http://www.baystatemilling.com/ | | |
| Bayer | | | |
| Bayer Crop Science | http://www.bayer.com | Bayer | None
| Bradley University | http://www.bradley.edu/ | BU | Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
| Busch Agricultural Research, Inc. | http://buschagbarley.com/html/index.html | BARI | None
| Canadian Grain Commission | http://www.grainscanada.gc.ca/ | CGC | Grain Research Lab
| Cargill | http://www.cargill.com | | |
| Centrol Crop Consulting | | | |
| Cereal Research non-profit Co. | | | Wheat Disease Resistance Laboratory
| charm sciences | | | |
| Charm Sciences Inc | | | |
| Checkeridge | | | |
| Cibus | https://www.cibus.com | | |
| Clemson University | http://www.clemson.edu/ | | Clemson Public Service and Agriculture College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences Department of Entomology Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Plant and Environmental Sciences
| Colorado State University | http://www.colostate.edu | CSU | BSPM Department Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences
| Cornell Cooperative Extension | | | |
| Cornell University | http://www.cornell.edu | | Cooperative Extension Vegetable Program Plant Breeding and Genetics Section Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section
| Cotton Inc. | https://www.cottoninc.com/ | | Agricultural & Environmental Research
| Crop Production Services (CPS) | http://www.cpsagu.com/ | | |
| Dakota Growers Pasta Company | http://www.dakotagrowers.com | | |
| Deceased | | | |
| Dennisreund | | | |
| Department of Primary Industries | http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/dpi/index.htm | DPI | |
| dnellor@namamillers.org | | | |
| Donald Danforth Plant Science Center | http://www.danforthcenter.org/ | | |
| DowElanco | http://www.dowagro.com/homepage/index.htm | DOW | |
| Embrapa | | | |
| Embrapa Trigo | https://www.embrapa.br/trigo | | |
| Embrapa Wheat -Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation | | | |
| FAPA | | | |
| FDA | | | |
| Field Crop Development Center Olds College | | | |
| Florida Atlantic University | | | Marine Biomedical & Biotechnology Research
| Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services | http://www.freshfromflorida.com/ | FDACS | |
| FMC | | | |
| Food and Drug Administration | | | |
| Geneshifters, LLC | | | |
| GeorgeGLUPE | | | |
| Grain Craft | | | |
| Grow Pro Genetiics | | | |
| Growmark, Inc. | https://www.growmark.com/ | | |
| GrowPro Genetics LLC | | | |
| Hartwick College Center for Craft Food and Beverage | | | |
| Hawbaker Farms | | | |
| Health Canada | http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/index.htm | | Food Directorate
| Heartland Plant Innovations, Inc. | http://www.heartlandinnovations.com/ | HPI | |
| Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station | http://www.cryo.affrc.go.jp/hitsuji.html | NARO | |
| Home | | | |
| Illinois Crop Improvement Association, Inc. | | | |
| Illinois Wheat Association | http://www.illinoiswheat.org | IWA | |
| Indiana University Bloomington | | | |
| Industry Wheat Representative | | | |
| INIFAP | http://www.inifap.gob.mx/ | | Campo Exptal. Centro de Jal.
| International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas | http://www.icarda.org/ | ICARDA | Biodiversity & Integrated Gene Management Program
| International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center | http://www.cimmyt.org | CIMMYT | |
| Iowa State University | http://www.iastate.edu | ISU | Department of Plant Pathology Food Science and Human Nutrition Plant Pathology and Microbiology
| ISK Biosciences | http://www.iskbc.com/ | | |
| Jeremyton | | | |
| JeroldAtorp | | | |
| JesseOrawl | | | |
| John Innes Centre | | | |
| Kansas State University | http://www.ksu.edu | KSU | Agronomy Agronomy Department College of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Economics Department of Animal Science & Industry Department of Biochemistry Department of Biology Department of Entomology Department of Grain Science & Industry Department of Plant Pathology Plant Pathology
| Kdshgf | | | |
| Kentucky Small Grain Growers Association | http://www.kysmallgrains.org | | |
| Kentucky Small Grain Promotion Council | http://www.kysmallgrains.org | | |
| Kihara Institute for Biological Research | http://www.yokohama-cu.ac.jp/eng/research/kihara.html | | Yokohama City University
| KR | | | |
| Kraft Foods, Inc. | http://www.kraft.com | | Nabisco Biscuit and Snacks Group
| Leslie Research Centre | https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/research/stations-facilities/leslie-research-facility | | Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries
| Lilleboe Communications | https://www.manta.com/c/mr0p4n1/lilleboe-communications-ltd | | |
| Limagrain Cereal Seeds, LLC | http://www.limagrain.com/index_gb.cfm | Limagrain | |
| Louisiana State University Agricultural Center | http://www.lsu.edu/ | LSU | Dean Lee Research & Extension Center Macon Ridge Research Station School of Plant Environment and Soil Sciences School of Plant, Environmental and Soils Sciences
| Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. | | | |
| LSU AGCENTER | | | |
| McGill University | http://www.mcgill.ca | | Department of Plant Sciences
| Mennel Milling Company | http://www.mennel.com | | |
| Mhango | | | |
| Michigan State University | http://www.msu.edu | MSU | Ag BioResearch Department of Agricultural Economics Department of Agricultural Engineering Department of Animal Science Department of Entomology Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Department of Geography Environment Spatial Sciences Department of Horticulture Department of Plant Biology Department of Plant Pathology Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences Institute of International Agriculture MSU Extension MSU/DOE Plant Research Laboratory Office of Research & Graduate Studies Retired
| Midstate Mills, Inc. | http://www.midstatemills.com | | |
| Miles Enterprises, LLC | | | |
| MillerCoors | http://www.millercoors.com/AgeVerification.aspx | | |
| Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers | http://www.smallgrains.org | MAWG | |
| Minnesota Barley Council | http://www.mncia.org | MCIA | |
| Minnesota Barley Growers Association | http://www.mncia.org | | |
| Minnesota Crop Improvement Association | http://www.mncia.org | MNCIA | |
| Minnesota Department of Agriculture | http://www.mda.state.mn.us | MNDA | |
| Minnesota Wheat Research & Promotion Council | http://www.mncia.org | | |
| Monsanto | | | |
| Monsanto Corporation | http://www.monsanto.com | | Hybritech Monsanto GGGA Monsanto Wheat Technology Center
| Montana State Univeristy | | | |
| Montana State University | http://www.montana.edu/ | | Dept. of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology Eastern Agricultural Research Center Research Centers - EARC
| Murdoch University | | | |
| Nanjing Agricultural University | http://www.njau.edu.cn/ | NAU | Cytogenetics Institute
| National Association of Wheat Growers | http://www.wheatworld.org | NAWG | |
| National Research Council of Canada | | | |
| NDSU | | | |
| Neogen Corporation | http://www.neogen.com | | |
| noney | | | |
| North American Millers Association | | | |
| North American Millers' Association | http://www.namamillers.org | NAMA | |
| North Carolina State University | http://www.ncsu.edu | NC State | Agricultural Research Service (NCAES) College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Crop and Soil Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Department of Plant Pathology
| North Dakota Barley Council | http://www.ndbarley.net/ | | |
| North Dakota State University | http://www.ndsu.edu | NDSU | Agricultural Experiment Station (NDAES) College of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department of Animal & Range Science Department of Entomology Department of Microbiological Sciences Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Plant Pathology Department of Plant Sciences Department of Soil Science Dept. of Veterinary and Microbiological Sciences Langdon Research Extension Center Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
| North Dakota State University - Fargo, ND | | | |
| North Dakota State University, Department of Plant Pathology | | | |
| North Dakota Wheat Commission | http://www.ndwheat.com | NDWC | |
| Oda Bultum University | | | |
| Ohio State Dept of Plant Pathology | | | |
| Ohio State University | | | |
| Oklahoma State University | http://pio.okstate.edu | OSU | Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
| Olds College | | | |
| OmroJob | | | |
| Ontario Ministry of Agriculture | http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/ | OMAFRA | |
| Oregon State University | http://oregonstate.edu/ | | Crop and Soil Sciences
| ORISE fellow, USDA/ARS/NCAUR, Peoria, IL | | | |
| Penn State Southeast Agricultural Research & Extension Center | | | Plant Pathology & Environmental Microbiology
| Penn State University | | | |
| Pennsylvania State University | http://www.psu.edu | PSU | Dept. of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Dept. of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology Dept. of Plant Sciences Southeast Ag Research and Extension Center
| PeterNap | | | |
| Pioneer Hi-Bred, International | http://www.pioneer.com | | |
| Plant Pathology department, NDSU | | | |
| Plant Sciences department, NDSU | | | |
| Prairie Ag Communications | https://www.manta.com/c/mr0c0cl/prairie-ag-communications-inc | | |
| Private Grower | | | |
| Purdue University | http://www.purdue.edu | Purdue | Department of Agronomy Department of Botany and Plant Pathology Food Sciences Office of Agricultural Research Programs School of Materials Engineering
| Rahr Corporation | | | |
| Rahr Malting Co. | | | |
| Rutgers University | | | Department of Plant Biology
| Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey | http://www.rutgers.edu/ | Rutgers | Biotech Center - Cook College Department of Plant Biology
| S.D. Wheat, Inc. | http://www.sdwheat2.org/html/sdwheatinc.cfm | | |
| Saatzucht Donau Ges.m.b.H & Co KG | | | |
| Salem International University | http://www.salemu.edu/ | SalemIU | Bioscience Department
| Saraphefe | | | |
| SDSU | | | |
| SecretCyber | | | |
| Siemer Milling Company | http://www.siemermilling.com | | |
| Soil and Crop Sciences Department, Texas A&M University | | | Department of Soils & Crop Sciences
| South Dakota State University | http://www.sdstate.edu | SDSU | Ag Experiment Station-AES AHPS College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences Department of Agronomy, Horticulture and Plant Science Department of Animal and Range Sciences Department of Biology and Microbiology Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Department of Dairy Science Department of Veterinary Science Dept. of Ag & Biological Systems Engineering Economics Horticulture, Forestry, Landscape & Parks Dept. Rural Sociology Department
| South Dakota Wheat Commission | http://www.sdwheat.org/ | |
| South Dakota Wheat, Inc. | http://www.sdwheat2.org/html/sdwheatinc.cfm | | |
| Southern Illinois University | http://www.siuc.edu/ | SIU | Dept. of Plant & Soil Sciences
| Star of the West Milling | http://www.starofthewest.com | | |
| State University of New York at Stony Brook | http://www.sunysb.edu/ | SUNY | Center for Analysis & Synthesis of Macromolecules
| STOFSD | | | Department of Biology and Microbiology
| synAgri | http://www.synagri.ca/ | | |
| Syngenta | http://www.syngenta.com | | Crop Protection
| Taylorjnh | | | |
| Texas A&M AgriLife Research | | | Uvalde
| Texas A&M University | http://www.tamu.edu/ | | Agricultural Research Center Department of Soils & Crop Sciences
| Texas A&M University and AgriLife Research | | | |
| Texas Tech University | | | |
| The Agriculture Research Center | http://www.ars.usda.gov/main/main.htm | ARC | |
| The Gambrinus Company | http://www.gambrinus.com/ | | |
| The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research | https://www.ialr.org | IALR | Applied Research
| The Land Institute | | | |
| The Ohio State University | http://www.osu.edu | OSU | Department of Horticulture and Crop Science Department of Plant Pathology Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Plant Pathology
| The Pennsylvania State University | | | |
| The University of Georgia (UGA) | | | |
| The University of Tennessee | | | |
| Trilogy Analyitcal Laboratory | | | |
| Trilogy Analytical Laboratory | | | |
| TsecNetwork | | | |
| U.S. Durum Growers Association | | | |
| U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab Initiative | http://www.scabusa.org | USWBSI | Networking and Facilitation Office
| U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab Initiative (USWBSI) | | | Department of Plant Pathology Networking and Facilitation Office
| U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative | | | |
| UBC | | | |
| UC Davis | | | |
| UC Davis - Dubcovsky Lab | | | |
| UCA | | | |
| Uidaho | | | |
| Universidad de la Republica O. del Uruguay | http://www.universidad.edu.uy/index.php | | |
| University 0f Minnesota | | | |
| University College Dublin | http://www.ucd.ie | | Lyons Research Farm
| University of Agricultural Sciences | http://www.uasbangalore.edu.in/ | | Center for Applied Genetics
| University of Agriculture Faisalabad | | | |
| University of Arizona | http://www.arizona.edu/ | UA | School of Plant Science
| University of Arkansas | http://www.uark.edu | UAK | Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Department of Plant Pathology
| University of Arkansas - Pine Bluff | http://www.uapb.edu/ | | Department of Agriculture
| University of Arkansas System DBA Division of Agriculture | | | Entomology and Plant Pathology
| University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture | | | |
| University of Bonn | https://www.uni-bonn.de/startpage?set_language=en | | Institute for Plant Diseases
| University of California-Davis | http://ucdavis.edu/ | UC | Department of Plant Sciences Division of Agriculture
| University of Delaware | http://www.udel.edu/ | | Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences
| University of Georgia | http://www.uga.edu | | Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Department of Plant Pathology
| University of Gerogia | | | |
| University of Guelph | http://www.uoguelph.ca | | Department of Plant Agriculture Ridgetown College
| University of Hohenheim | | | |
| University of Hyderabad | | | |
| University of Idaho | http://www.uidaho.edu/ | | Aberdeen Research and Extension Center Department of Animal, Veterinary and Food Sciences Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology Department of Plant Sciences Idaho Falls Research & Extension Center Idaho Falls Research & Extension Center
| University of Idaho Aberdeen Research & Extension Center | | | Aberdeen Research and Extension Center
| University of Illinois | https://illinois.edu/ | UIUC | Department of Crop Sciences Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center Office of Research
| University of Kentucky | http://www.uky.edu | UKY | Department of Plant and Soil Sciences Department of Plant Pathology Plant Pathology Retired
| University of Manitoba | | | |
| University of Maryland | http://www.umd.edu | UMD | Dept. of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
| University of Minnesota | http://www.umn.edu | UMN | College of Agr., Food, and Env. Sciences Deceased Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics Department of Biosystems and Ag Engineering Department of Plant Pathology Department of Soil Science Northwest Research and Outreach Center
| University of Minnesota, Department of Plant Pathology | | | |
| University of Missouri | http://www.missouri.edu | MU | Department of Plant Microbiology and Pathology Department of Soil Science Dept. of Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Division of Plant Sciences
| University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences | | | |
| University of Nebraska | http://www.unl.edu/ | | Department of Agronomy and Horticulture Department of Chemistry Department of Food Science and Technology NRI Center for Biotechnology Plant Pathology Department
| University of Nebraska Lincol | | | |
| University of Nebraska Lincoln | | | |
| University of Nebraska-Lincoln | | | |
| University of North Texas | http://www.unt.edu | UNT | Department of Biological Sciences
| University of Northern Iowa | http://www.uni.edu/ | UNI | Department of Biology
| University of Tennesee-Knoxville | http://www.utk.edu/ | UTK | Entomology and Plant Pathology Department
| University of Utah | https://www.utah.edu/ | | Biology Department
| University of Vermont | http://www.uvm.edu/ | UVT | UVM Extension
| University of Vermont and State Agricultural College | | | Plant and Soil Sciences
| University of Wisconsin | http://www.wisc.edu | | Biology Department Department of Agronomy Department of Biochemistry Department of Food Microbiology and Toxicology Department of Plant Pathology
| University Saskatchewan | | | |
| Unknown | | | |
| UofM | | | |
| US Wheat Assoicates | | | |
| USDA | | | Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research
| USDA ARS | | | |
| USDA-Agricultural Research Service | http://www.ars.usda.gov | USDA-ARS | Aberdeen Research and Extension Center Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC) Biosciences Research Lab Cellular Reprogramming Laboratory Center for Grain and Animal Health Research (CGAHR) Cereal Crops Research Unit Cereal Disease Laboratory Corn, Soybean and Wheat Quality Research Crop Improvement and Genetics Research Crop Production and Pest Control Research Eastern Regional Small Grains Genotyping Lab Forage and Bioenergy Research Unit Genomics and Gene Discovery (GGD) Grain Marketing and Production Research Center (GMPRC) Grain, Forage & Bioenergy Research Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research Mycotoxin Prevention and Applied Microbiology Research National Program Staff NCAUR Northern Crop Science Lab Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory Plant Science Research Unit Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center Retired Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research Unit Soft Wheat Quality Laboratory Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center Toxicology and Mycotoxin Research Unit (TMRU) US Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center US Plant, Soil and Nutrition Laboratory Western Regional Research Center (WRRC-CIU) Wheat, Sorghum and Forage Research- Plains Area
| USDA-APHIS | https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/home/ | | |
| USDA-ARS | | | Wheat, Sorghum and Forage Research- Plains Area
| USDA-ARS | | | |
| USDA-ARS Cereal Crops Research Unit | | | |
| USDA-ARS Cereal Disease Laboratory | | | |
| USDA-ARS Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research Unit | | | |
| USDA-ARS Western Regional Research Center | | | Crop Improvement and Genetics Research Unit
| USDA-ARS-NCAUR | | | |
| USDA-ARS, Application technology research Unit at Wooster, OH | | | |
| USDA-ARS, Peoria IL | | | |
| USDA-National Agricultural Statistical Service | http://www.nass.usda.gov/ | NASS | |
| USDA-National Institute for Food and Agriculture | http://www.csrees.usda.gov/ | USDA-NIFA | |
| USDA, ARS, NCAUR, MPM | | | |
| USWBSI | | | |
| Ut illum voluptatum | | | |
| Utah State University | http://www.usu.edu/ | UTSU | Biology Department
| Valley Malt | http://www.valleymalt.com | | |
| Venganza, Inc. | http://www.venganzainc.com/ | | |
| Vibe Imaging Analytics | | | |
| Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | http://www.vt.edu | Virginia Tech | Dept. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences Dept. of Plant Pathology, Physiology, Weed Science School of Plant and Environmental Sciences Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center
| Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Eastern Shore Agriculture Research and Extension Center | | | School Plant and Environmental Sciences
| Virginia Tech | | | |
| wagepo4944@gufutu.com | | | |
| Washington State University | http://www.wsu.edu | WSU | Department of Biological Systems Engineering Department of Crop and Soil Science Department of Plant Pathology
| West Virginia State University | | | |
| Westbred LLC, Inc. | http://www.westbred.com | | |
| Wheat Tech, Inc. | http://www.wheattech.com/ | | |
| Who | | | |