The USWBSI Publication Database provides an easy way to search scientific publications that are relevant to Fusarium Head Blight of wheat and barley. Some publications in this database have been funded (partially or fully) by the USWBSI (indicated by the logo) and others are posted here for inclusion due to their importance to the Scab Community.
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291 results
Targeting the pattern-triggered immunity pathway to enhance resistance to Fusarium graminearum
Journal: Molecular Plant Pathology | Publication Date: 12/30/2018  |  Authors: Sujon Sarowar, Syeda T. Alam, Ragiba Makandar, Hyeonju Lee, Harold N. Trick, Yanhong Dong, and Jyoti Shah
Research Categories: Gene Discovery and Engineering Resistance
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Genetic Diversity and Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat Derived From Aegilops tauschii and Diverse Triticum turgidum Subspecies
Journal: Frontiers in Plant Science | Publication Date: 12/11/2018  |  Authors: Agnes Szabo-Hever, Qijun Zhang, Timothy L. Friesen, Shaobin Zhong, Elias M. Elias, Xiwen Cai, Yue Jin, Justin D. Faris, Shiaoman Chao, and Steven S. Xu
Research Categories: Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Spring Wheat
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Functional Data Analysis of Weather Variables Linked to Fusarium Head Blight Epidemics in the United States
Journal: Phytopathology | Publication Date: 12/03/2018  |  Authors: D. A. Shah, E. D. De Wolf, P. A. Paul, and L. V. Madden
Research Categories: FHB Management
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Integrated Effects of Genetic Resistance and Prothioconazole + Tebuconazole Application Timing on Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat
Journal: Plant Disease | Publication Date: 11/28/2018  |  Authors: P. A. Paul, J. D. Salgado, G. Bergstrom, C. A. Bradley, E. Byamukama, A. M. Byrne, V. Chapara, J. A. Cummings, M. I. Chilvers, R. Dill-Macky, A. Friskop, N. Kleczewski, L. V. Madden, M. Nagelkirk, J. Stevens, M. Smith, S. N. Wegulo, K. Wise, and D. Yabwalo
Research Categories: FHB Management
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Mapping QTL for Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in a Tunisian-derived Durum Wheat Population
Journal: Cereal Research Communications | Publication Date: 11/19/2018  |  Authors: S. M. Pirseyedi, A. Kumar, F. Ghavami, J. B. Hegstad, M. Mergoum, M. Mazaheri, S. F. Kianian, and E. M. Elias
Research Categories: Durum Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

First Report of Fusarium boothii Causing Head Blight of Wheat in the United States
Journal: Plant Disease | Publication Date: 09/28/2018  |  Authors: S. N. Wegulo, E. Valverde-Bogantes, C. Bolanos-Carriel, H. Hallen-Adams, A. Bianchini, N. McMaster, and D. G. Schmale III
Research Categories: FHB Management
Chitosan coatings on lecithin stabilized emulsions inhibit mycotoxin production by Fusarium pathogens
Journal: Food Control | Publication Date: 05/07/2018  |  Authors: Dianhui Wu, Jing Wan, Jian Lu, Xingguo Wang, Shaobin Zhong, Paul Schwarz, Bingcan Chen, and Jiajia Rao
Research Categories: Food Safety and Toxicology
Economic Impact of USWBSI's Scab Initiative to Reduce FHB
Journal: Agribusiness & Applied Economics 774 | Publication Date: 10/31/2017  |  Authors: William W. Wilson, Greg McKee, William Nganje, Bruce Dahl, and Dean Bangsund
Research Categories: Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Southern Winter Wheat, Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Spring Wheat, Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Northern Winter Wheat, Pathogen Biology and Genetics, Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project, Gene Discovery and Engineering Resistance, FHB Management, Food Safety and Toxicology, Durum Coordinated Project, Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Surface interactions of Fusarium graminearum on barley
Journal: Molecular Plant Pathology | Publication Date: 03/08/2017  |  Authors: Lori Imboden, Drew Afton, Frances Trail
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project, Pathogen Biology and Genetics
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Mycotoxins that affect the North American agri-food sector: state of the art and directions for the future
Journal: World Mycotoxin Journal | Publication Date: 12/09/2013  |  Authors: J.D. Miller, A.W. Schaafsma, D. Bhatnagar, G. Bondy, I. Carbone, L.J. Harris, G. Harrison, G.P. Munkvold, I.P. Oswald, J.J. Pestka, L. Sharpe, M.W. Sumarah, S.A. Tittlemier, and T. Zhou
Research Categories: Food Safety and Toxicology