The USWBSI Publication Database provides an easy way to search scientific publications that are relevant to Fusarium Head Blight of wheat and barley. Some publications in this database have been funded (partially or fully) by the USWBSI (indicated by the logo) and others are posted here for inclusion due to their importance to the Scab Community.
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291 results
Genome-Wide Association Studies for Fusarium Head Blight Resistance and Its Trade-Off With Grain Yield in Soft Red Winter Wheat
Journal: Plant Disease | Publication Date: 10/21/2021  |  Authors: Rupesh Gaire, Gina Brown-Guedira, Yanhong Dong, Herbert Ohm, and Mohsen Mohammadi
Research Categories: Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Northern Winter Wheat
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

QTL x environment modeling of malting barley preharvest sprouting
Journal: Theoretical and Applied Genetics | Publication Date: 10/11/2021  |  Authors: Daniel W. Sweeney, Karl H. Kunze, and Mark E. Sorrells
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Time series barley germination is predictable and associated with known seed dormancy loci
Journal: Crop Science | Publication Date: 09/17/2021  |  Authors: Travis E. Rooney, Daniel W. Sweeney, and Mark E. Sorrells
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Interactions of the barley SD1 and SD2 seed dormancy loci influence preharvest sprouting, seed dormancy, and malting quality
Journal: Crop Science | Publication Date: 09/16/2021  |  Authors: Daniel W. Sweeney, Travis E. Rooney, Jason G. Walling, and Mark E. Sorrells
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Gain from genomic selection for a selection index in two-row spring barley
Journal: The Plant Genome | Publication Date: 09/05/2021  |  Authors: Daniel W. Sweeney, Travis E. Rooney, and Mark E. Sorrells
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Registration of 'Driver' hard red spring wheat
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 09/01/2021  |  Authors: K. D. Glover, J. L. Kleinjan, C. Graham, S. Ali, E. Byamukama, Y. Jin, J. A. Ingemansen, E. B. Turnipseed, and L. Dykes
Research Categories: Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Spring Wheat
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Genetic dissection of a pericentromeric region of barley chromosome 6H associated with Fusarium head blight resistance, grain protein content and agronomic traits
Journal: Theoretical and Applied Genetics | Publication Date: 08/28/2021  |  Authors: Yadong Huang, Lu Yin, Ahmad H. Sallam, Shane Heinen, Lin Li, Karen Beaubien, Ruth Dill-Macky, Yanhong Dong, Brian J. Steffenson, Kevin P. Smith, and Gary J. Muehlbauer
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Registration of ‘Lightning’ barley
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 08/23/2021  |  Authors: P. Hayes, D. R. Carrijo, T. Filichkin, S. Fisk, L. Helgerson, J. Hernandez, B. Meints, and M. E. Sorrells
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Genome-Wide Association Studies Combined with Genomic Selection as a Tool to Increase Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Wheat
Journal: Crop Breeding, Genetics and Genomics | Publication Date: 08/20/2021  |  Authors: Virginia L. Verges, Gina L. Brown-Guedira, and David A. Van Sanford
Research Categories: Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Northern Winter Wheat
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Expansion of Internal Hyphal Growth in Fusarium Head Blight–Infected Grains Contributes to the Elevated Mycotoxin Production During the Malting Process
Journal: Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions | Publication Date: 08/09/2021  |  Authors: Zhao Jin, Shyam Solanki, Gazala Ameen, Thomas Gross, Roshan Sharma Poudel, Pawel Borowicz, Robert S. Brueggeman, and Paul Schwarz
Research Categories: Food Safety and Toxicology
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)