The USWBSI Publication Database provides an easy way to search scientific publications that are relevant to Fusarium Head Blight of wheat and barley. Some publications in this database have been funded (partially or fully) by the USWBSI (indicated by the logo) and others are posted here for inclusion due to their importance to the Scab Community.
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291 results
Discovery of a susceptibility factor for Fusarium head blight on chromosome 7A of wheat
Journal: Theoretical and Applied Genetics | Publication Date: 04/08/2021  |  Authors: Bhavit Chhabra, Vijay Tiwari, Bikram S. Gill, Yanhong Dong, and Nidhi Rawat
Research Categories: Gene Discovery and Engineering Resistance
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Registration of spring malting barley germplasm ARS84-27, ARS98-31, and ARS10-82
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 04/05/2021  |  Authors: G. Hu, C. P. Evans, K. Satterfield, and S. Ellberg
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Accuracy in the prediction of disease epidemics when ensembling simple but highly correlated models
Journal: PLOS Computational Biology | Publication Date: 03/15/2021  |  Authors: Denis A. Shah, Erick D. De Wolf, Pierce A. Paul, and Laurence V. Madden
Research Categories: FHB Management
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

A Lipid Transfer Protein has Antifungal and Antioxidant Activity and Suppresses Fusarium Head Blight Disease and DON Accumulation in Transgenic Wheat
Journal: Phytopathology | Publication Date: 03/04/2021  |  Authors: John E. McLaughlin, Noura I. Darwish, Jeffrey Garcia-Sanchez, Neerja Tyagi, Harold N. Trick, Susan McCormick, Ruth Dill-Macky, and Nilgun E. Tumer
Research Categories: Gene Discovery and Engineering Resistance
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Population Genetic Structure and Chemotype Diversity of Fusarium graminearum Populations from Wheat in Canada and North Eastern United States
Journal: Toxins | Publication Date: 03/01/2021  |  Authors: Abbot O. Oghenekaro, Maria A. Oviedo-Ludena, Mitra Serajazari, Xiben Wang, Maria A. Henriquez, Nancy G. Wenner, Gretchen A. Kuldau, Alireza Navabi, Hadley R. Kutcher and W. G. Dilantha Fernando
Research Categories: Pathogen Biology and Genetics
Chlorine gas is an effective alternative to sterilize carnation leaves for Fusarium spp. identification
Journal: Journal of Microbiological Methods | Publication Date: 03/01/2021  |  Authors: Cecilia Peluola, Samantha Hoesel, and Frankie Crutcher
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

FgBUD14 is important for ascosporogenesis and involves both stage-specific alternative splicing and RNA editing during sexual reproduction
Journal: Environmental Microbiology | Publication Date: 03/01/2021  |  Authors: Jie Liang, Xianhui Fu, Chaofeng Hao, Zhuyun Bian, Huiquan Liu, Jin-Rong Xu, and Guanghui Wang
Research Categories: Pathogen Biology and Genetics
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Fng1 is involved in crosstalk between histone acetylation and methylation
Journal: Current Genetics | Publication Date: 02/28/2021  |  Authors: Meng Ye, Hang Jiang, Xianhui Fu, Jin-Rong Xu, and Cong Jiang
Research Categories: Pathogen Biology and Genetics
Optical sorter–augmented genomic selection lowers deoxynivalenol accumulation in wheat
Journal: Crop Science | Publication Date: 02/22/2021  |  Authors: W. Jesse Carmack, Anthony J. Clark, H. Jeanette Lyerly, Yanhong Dong, Gina Brown-Guedira, and David Anthony Van Sanford
Research Categories: Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Northern Winter Wheat
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Soft red winter wheat ‘GA 051207-14E53’: Adapted cultivar to Georgia and the U.S. Southeast region
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 02/11/2021  |  Authors: Mohamed Mergoum, Jerry W. Johnson, James W. Buck, Steve Sutton, Benjamin Lopez, Daniel Bland, Z . Chen, G.D. Buntin, Daniel J. Mailhot, Md A. Babar, Richard E. Mason, Stephen A. Harrison, J. Paul Murphy, Amir M. H. Ibrahim, Russell L. Sutton, Gina L. Brown-Guedira, Bryan E. Simoneaux, Harold E. Bockelman, Byung-Kee Baik, David Marshall, Christina Cowger, James A. Kolmer, Yue Jin, X. Chen, Sue E. Cambron, and Richard Boyles
Research Categories: Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Southern Winter Wheat
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)