The USWBSI Publication Database provides an easy way to search scientific publications that are relevant to Fusarium Head Blight of wheat and barley. Some publications in this database have been funded (partially or fully) by the USWBSI (indicated by the logo) and others are posted here for inclusion due to their importance to the Scab Community.
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33 results
Registration of ‘Avalon’ winter malt barley
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 12/25/2024  |  Authors: Wynse Brooks, Carl Griffey, Felipe Sabadin, Mark Vaughn, Limei Liu, John Seago, Wade Thomason, Jon Light, Elizabeth Rucker, Phillip Browning, Niki McMaster, David Schmale III, Brooks Saville, Thomas Hardiman, J. Tommy Custis, Karl Jones, Ned Jones Jr., Gregory Lillard, David Marshall, Myron Fountain, Tan Tuong, Michelle Lee, Joseph Oakes, Joshua Mott, Christopher Martens, Jason Walling, Harmonie Bettenhausen, Aaron Macleod, and Nicholas Santantonio
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Bacterial seed endophytes promote barley growth and inhibits Fusarium graminearum in vitro
Journal: BMC Research Notes | Publication Date: 10/03/2024  |  Authors: Oyeyemi Ajayi, Suvir Grover, Belayneh Yimer, Marcus Vinje, and Ramamurthy Mahalingam
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Registration of ‘UC-Alameda’, a California adapted, non-glycosidic nitrile-producer, two-row spring malting barley
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 05/15/2024  |  Authors: Isabel A. del Blanco and Jorge Dubcovsky
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Registration of the “Woodies” multi–rust-resistant barley germplasm
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 05/01/2024  |  Authors: C. Massman, J. Hernandez, S. J. Clare, M. Brooke, T. Filichkin, S. Fisk, L. Helgerson, O. N. Matny, I. A. del Blanco, M. N. Rouse, B. J. Steffenson, B. Brueggeman, and P. M. Hayes
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Evolutionary patterns of DNA base composition at polymorphic sites highlight the role of the environment in shaping barley and rice genomes
Journal: The Plant Genome | Publication Date: 04/30/2024  |  Authors: Xiangjian Gou, Yang Shao, Xiao Wang, Haoran Shi, Jianming Yu, Xianran Li, and Tingting Guo
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Registration of ‘Top Shelf’ barley: The first glycosidic nitrile-null, winter malting cultivar to be released in North America
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 04/11/2024  |  Authors: Campbell P. Morrissy, Tanya Filichkin, Scott P. Fisk, Laura Helgerson, and Patrick M. Hayes
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Development and Validation of a Taq-man Multiplex qPCR Assay for High-Throughput Quantification of Fusarium graminearum Biomass in Barley Spikes and Grains
Journal: Plant Health Progress | Publication Date: 11/05/2023  |  Authors: Abbeah Mae Navasca, Sandesh Dangi, Suzette Arcibal Baldwin, Zhao Jin, and Thomas Baldwin
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Registration of Golden Promise/Otis barley recombinant inbred line mapping population
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 10/29/2023  |  Authors: Phil Bregitzer, Oyeyemi Ajayi, Dongying Gao, Kathy Esvelt Klos, and Ramamurthy Mahalingam
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Registration of ‘GemCraft’ spring malting barley cultivar
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 10/26/2023  |  Authors: Gongshe Hu, Chris P. Evans, Kathy Satterfield, Sherry Ellberg, Juliet M. Marshall, Kurtis L. Schroeder, and Don E. Obert
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Registration of ‘Lontra’ malting barley: A two-row, winter-habit cultivar of interest to the craft malting and brewing industries
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 09/26/2023  |  Authors: Campbell P. Morrissy, Tanya Filichkin, Scott P. Fisk, Laura Helgerson, Curtis Davenport, Ron Silberstein, Darrin Culp, and Patrick M. Hayes
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
UDP-glucosyltransferase HvUGT13248 Confers Type II Resistance to Fusarium graminearum in barley
Journal: Plant Physiology | Publication Date: 08/23/2023  |  Authors: Gerit Bethke, Yadong Huang, Goetz Hensel, Shane Heinen, Chaochih Liu, Skylar R Wyant, Xin Li, Maureen B Quin, Susan McCormick, Peter L Morrell, Yanhong Dong, Jochen Kumlehn, Silvio Salvi, Franz Berthiller, and Gary J Muehlbauer
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Meta-analysis of the genetics of resistance to Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol accumulation in barley and considerations for breeding
Journal: Plant Breeding | Publication Date: 07/23/2023  |  Authors: Ahmad H. Sallam, Matthew Haas, Yadong Huang, Zenith Tandukar, Gary Muehlbauer, Kevin P. Smith, and Brian J. Steffenson
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Malting quality and preharvest sprouting traits are genetically correlated in spring malting barley
Journal: Theoretical and Applied Genetics | Publication Date: 03/13/2023  |  Authors: Travis E. Rooney, Daniel W. Sweeney, Karl H. Kunze, Mark E. Sorrells and Jason G. Walling
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Genomic prediction of threshability in naked barley
Journal: Crop Science | Publication Date: 01/13/2023  |  Authors: Chris Massman, Brigid Meints, Javier Hernandez, Karl Kunze, Kevin P. Smith, Mark E. Sorrells, Patrick M. Hayes, and Lucia Gutierrez
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Sustaining productivity gains in the face of climate change: A research agenda for US wheat
Journal: Global Change Biology | Publication Date: 11/23/2022  |  Authors: Yoko Kusunose, Jairus J. Rossi, David A. Van Sanford, Phillip D. Alderman, James A. Anderson, Yuan Chai, Maria K. Gerullis, S. V. Krishna Jagadish, Pierce A. Paul, Jesse B. Tack, and Brian D. Wright
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project, Durum Coordinated Project, Gene Discovery and Engineering Resistance, Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project, Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Northern Winter Wheat, Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Spring Wheat, Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Southern Winter Wheat
Genome-wide marker effect heterogeneity is associated with a large effect dormancy locus in winter malting barley
Journal: The Plant Genome | Publication Date: 08/16/2022  |  Authors: Travis E. Rooney, Karl H. Kunze, and Mark E. Sorrells
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Registration of three winter malting barley lines
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 08/08/2022  |  Authors: Gongshe Hu, Chris Evans, Kathy Satterfield,and Sherry Ellberg
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
QTL x environment modeling of malting barley preharvest sprouting
Journal: Theoretical and Applied Genetics | Publication Date: 10/11/2021  |  Authors: Daniel W. Sweeney, Karl H. Kunze, and Mark E. Sorrells
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Time series barley germination is predictable and associated with known seed dormancy loci
Journal: Crop Science | Publication Date: 09/17/2021  |  Authors: Travis E. Rooney, Daniel W. Sweeney, and Mark E. Sorrells
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Interactions of the barley SD1 and SD2 seed dormancy loci influence preharvest sprouting, seed dormancy, and malting quality
Journal: Crop Science | Publication Date: 09/16/2021  |  Authors: Daniel W. Sweeney, Travis E. Rooney, Jason G. Walling, and Mark E. Sorrells
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Gain from genomic selection for a selection index in two-row spring barley
Journal: The Plant Genome | Publication Date: 09/05/2021  |  Authors: Daniel W. Sweeney, Travis E. Rooney, and Mark E. Sorrells
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Genetic dissection of a pericentromeric region of barley chromosome 6H associated with Fusarium head blight resistance, grain protein content and agronomic traits
Journal: Theoretical and Applied Genetics | Publication Date: 08/28/2021  |  Authors: Yadong Huang, Lu Yin, Ahmad H. Sallam, Shane Heinen, Lin Li, Karen Beaubien, Ruth Dill-Macky, Yanhong Dong, Brian J. Steffenson, Kevin P. Smith, and Gary J. Muehlbauer
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Registration of ‘Lightning’ barley
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 08/23/2021  |  Authors: P. Hayes, D. R. Carrijo, T. Filichkin, S. Fisk, L. Helgerson, J. Hernandez, B. Meints, and M. E. Sorrells
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
FielDHub: A Shiny App for Design of Experiments in Life Sciences
Journal: The Journal of Open Source Software | Publication Date: 05/18/2021  |  Authors: Didier A. Murillo, Salvador A. Gezan, Ana M. Heilman, Thomas C. Walk, Johan S. Aparicio, and Richard D. Horsley
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Registration of 'SB255' winter barley
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 05/06/2021  |  Authors: Wynse Brooks,Carl Griffey, Mark Vaughn, John Seago, Wade Thomason, Joshua Fitzgerald, Anthony Christopher, Robert Pitman, David Dunaway, Jon Light, Elizabeth Rucker, Harry Behl, Bruce Beahm, Phillip Browning, Niki McMaster, David Schmale III, Thomas Hardiman, J. Tommy Custis, Steve Gulick, S. Bobby Ashburn, Ned Jones Jr., David Marshall, Myron Fountain, Tan Tuong, and Joseph Oakes
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Registration of spring malting barley germplasm ARS84-27, ARS98-31, and ARS10-82
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 04/05/2021  |  Authors: G. Hu, C. P. Evans, K. Satterfield, and S. Ellberg
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Chlorine gas is an effective alternative to sterilize carnation leaves for Fusarium spp. identification
Journal: Journal of Microbiological Methods | Publication Date: 03/01/2021  |  Authors: Cecilia Peluola, Samantha Hoesel, and Frankie Crutcher
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Hyperspectral imaging and improved feature variable selection for automated determination of deoxynivalenol in various genetic lines of barley kernels for resistance screening
Journal: Food Chemistry | Publication Date: 10/31/2020  |  Authors: Wen-Hao Su, Ce Yang, Yanhong Dong, Ryan Johnson, Rae Page, Tamas Szinyei, Cory D.Hirsch, and Brian J.Steffenson
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Registration of 'NE10589' (Husker Genetics Brand Ruth) hard red winter wheat
Journal: Journal of Plant Registrations | Publication Date: 09/16/2020  |  Authors: P. S. Baenziger, R. A. Graybosch, D. J. Rose,L. Xu, M. J. Guttieri, T. Regassa, R. N. Klein, G. R. Kruger, D. K. Santra, G. W. Hergert, S. N. Wegulo, Y. Jin,J . Kolmer, G. L. Hein, J. Bradshaw, M.-S. Chen, G. Bai, R. L. Bowden, I. El-Basyoni, and A. Lorenz
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

A connected half-sib family training population for genomic prediction in barley
Journal: Crop Science | Publication Date: 03/09/2020  |  Authors: Daniel W. Sweeney, Jessica Rutkoski, Gary C. Bergstrom, and Mark E. Sorrells
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
Multi-trait Improvement by Predicting Genetic Correlations in Breeding Crosses
Journal: G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics | Publication Date: 10/01/2019  |  Authors: Jeffrey L Neyhart, Aaron J Lorenz, and Kevin P Smith
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Economic Impact of USWBSI's Scab Initiative to Reduce FHB
Journal: Agribusiness & Applied Economics 774 | Publication Date: 10/31/2017  |  Authors: William W. Wilson, Greg McKee, William Nganje, Bruce Dahl, and Dean Bangsund
Research Categories: Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Southern Winter Wheat, Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Spring Wheat, Variety Development and Host Plant Resistance - Northern Winter Wheat, Pathogen Biology and Genetics, Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project, Gene Discovery and Engineering Resistance, FHB Management, Food Safety and Toxicology, Durum Coordinated Project, Barley Coordinated Project
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)

Surface interactions of Fusarium graminearum on barley
Journal: Molecular Plant Pathology | Publication Date: 03/08/2017  |  Authors: Lori Imboden, Drew Afton, Frances Trail
Research Categories: Barley Coordinated Project, Pathogen Biology and Genetics
(Funded in part by the USWBSI)