All virtual posters were initially uploaded on November 7, 2024. Poster authors are able to update their printed version for onsite display. For the most up to date version of the posters, make sure to attend the Poster Sessions during the NFHB Forum.
Food Safety and Toxicology Posters
Controlling Fusarium Contamination of Malting Barley with Brassicaceae Seed Meal Volatiles
Presenting Author:
William Hay, USDA-ARS
Poster #: 201
Photosensitization for the Inactivation of Fusarium spp. In Vitro and in Wheat
Presenting Author:
Anil Kunapareddy, North Dakota State University
Poster #: 202
Fusarium and Barley Interaction: Impact on Malt Quality and Soluble Arabinoxylans Characteristics
Presenting Author:
Qian Li, North Dakota State University
Poster #: 203
Calli in Focus: A Novel Lens for Mycotoxin Detection
Presenting Author:
Lola McMullan, Virginia Tech
Poster #: 204