Request for USWBSI Project Pre-Proposals (RFP)
Request for USWBSI Project Pre-Proposals (RFP)
The following outlines the opportunities in this funding cycle, new elements of the submission process, important dates and deadlines for the pre-proposal process, and key links for submissions.

Select the category that best aligns with your research project to learn more and determine specific submission requirements.
- Category 1 – Commodity-based and VDHR-Uniform Nursery Coordinated Projects
- Category 2 – FHB Integrated Management Coordinated Project
- Category 3 – Research Area Individual Project Pre-Proposals
- Category 4 – Transformational Science Project Pre-Proposals
New this RFP!
- Extended Project Term. All pre-proposals must now be submitted with either a 4-year or 2-year project term, see details in the pre-proposal category descriptions. Project Summary needs to include project schedule/timeline for duration and total estimated requested budget amount for each year, objectives and budgets can be adjusted/updated yearly.
- Added Transformational Science Category. The USWBSI is seeking new research approaches to enrich its portfolio with novel concepts and new PIs. If you have a new concept, make sure to submit a Transformational Science Letter of Intent for consideration (Category 4).
- Changed Tracking of Expected Numbers of DON Samples. DON Sample number estimates are no longer required in pre-proposals, funded PIs will only be surveyed by the DON Lab Coordinators for sample number estimates.
- Budget Justification Worksheet & Budget Summary Template. An Excel template with built-in formulas, space for your justification narrative, and auto-generation of the budget summary page is now available. Calculating the IDC limitation has also been adjusted and built-in, see details in the Budget section of the submission instructions.
- Updated Research Priorities. Research priorities and program descriptions have been updated, view the FY22 USWBSI Research Priorities.
- Submit Letters of Intent and Pre-Proposals Online. Letters of Intent will now be submitted via an online form. Pre-proposals for all categories will be using the USWBSI EPS (Electronic Proposal Submission) System for all pre-proposal submissions.
USDA-ARS/USWBSI Funding Eligibility & Requirements
USWBSI funding is awarded through Federal funds appropriated to the USDA Agricultural Research Service and authorized in the Farm Bill. Eligibility requirements specify that funding of research grants can only be made to land-grant colleges and universities in the U.S. or to USDA-ARS scientists. All awards are subject to 2 CFR 200, as adopted by the USDA-ARS at 2 CFR 400.

If you have any questions regarding the pre-proposal process, please contact the U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative's Networking and Facilitation Office (NFO) by phone at 517.290.5023 or e-mail at