Request for USWBSI Project Pre-Proposals (RFP)
Request for USWBSI Project Pre-Proposals (RFP)
The following outlines the opportunities in this funding cycle, important dates and deadlines for the pre-proposal process, and key links for submissions. This process is for NEW projects only, if you have a project that is already receiving funding you will need to submit a continuation request instead, details will be provided to all PIs eligble for continuation.

Select the category that best aligns with your research project to learn more and determine specific submission requirements.
- Category 1 – Commodity-based and VDHR-Uniform Nursery Coordinated Projects
- Category 2 – FHB Integrated Management Coordinated Projects
- Category 3 – Research Area Individual Projects
- Category 4 – Transformational Science Projects
New this RFP!
- FY24 Project Term. In the FY22 RFP the USWBSI started the option for 4-year project pre-proposals, going forward this option will be available every 4 years with 2026 being the next funding cycle with 4-year terms available. At this time, new FY24 pre-proposals can only be for 2-year term projects.
- Transformational Science Category Continued. The USWBSI is again seeking new research approaches to enrich its portfolio with novel concepts and new PIs, check out Transformational Science - Category 4.
- IDC Limitation. As a reminder, the USWBSI adheres to an IDC limitation (10% of Total Federal Funds Awarded) rather than rate, calculations are included in the Budget Justification Worksheet & Budget Summary template.
- Submission Portal. Building on the new online interface from FY22, the FY24 Submission Portal includes additional enhancements for an improved user experience. All submissions must use the online system.
- Currently Funded Project PIs Submit Continuation Requests. PIs with a 4-year project underway must submit a continuation request for Year 3 funding on their projects (not a new pre-proposal), there are different requirements. Currently funded PIs will receive an email from the NFO with full details and should not use this Pre-Proposal submission.
USDA-ARS/USWBSI Funding Eligibility & Requirements
USWBSI funding is awarded through Federal funds appropriated to the USDA Agricultural Research Service and authorized in the Farm Bill. Eligibility requirements specify that funding of research grants can only be made to eligible principle investigators at land-grant colleges and universities in the U.S. or to USDA-ARS scientists. All awards for USWBSI (CFDA No. 10.001) are subject to 2 CFR 200, as adopted by the USDA-ARS at 2 CFR 400.

If you have any questions regarding the pre-proposal process, please contact the U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative's Networking and Facilitation Office (NFO) by phone at 517.290.5023 or e-mail at
The USWBSI is a national multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional research consortium whose goal is to develop effective control measures that minimize the threat of Fusarium Head Blight (scab), including the production of mycotoxins, for producers, processors and consumers of wheat and barley. The USWBSI’s annual budget comes from Federal funds appropriated through the USDA-ARS and is currently distributed to nearly 150 research projects in more than 30 states.