Category 4 – Transformational Science
Category 4 – Transformational Science
The USWBSI is seeking new research approaches to enrich its portfolio with novel concepts and new PIs. To help accelerate the development of new germplasm and technologies, the Transformational Science (TSCI) category’s overall goals are to attract the expertise of young scientists that are not part of the Initiative, recruit and explore new ideas and approaches, and develop integrated projects that leverage the strengths of the Initiative. The TSCI category spans all of the research areas of the Initiative. If you have a concept for consideration make sure to submit to the Transformational Science category, following these instructions.
Please note: PIs who have received TSCI funding in a prior funding cycle are not eligible to submit a pre-proposal for the same project again in the TSCI category, but are welcome to submit their project to one of the other USWBSI categories for consideration.

General instructions for the letter of intent and the pre-proposal requirements, and supporting documentation for upload, is outlined in the USWBSI RFP Category 4 Instructions (PDF). It is important that all letters of intent and pre-proposals conform to the instructions provided in the FY24 RFP. PIs are encouraged to review the instructions before starting the submission process.
Submit a Letter of Intent (Now CLOSED)
If Accepted, Submit a Pre-Proposal
- PIs will be notified of acceptance by July 29
- If accepted, review the pre-proposal specific requirements:
- Submit your pre-proposal to the USWBSI Submission Portal, by September 21

Transformational Science Projects |
USWBSI NFO Director of Operations |
Michelle Bjerkness |
517.290.5023 | |