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Research HWW-CP


Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project (HWW-CP)


Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project Committee  Members as of: 3/17/25
Chair, Sunish Seghal, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
Sue Mondal, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
Shaukat Ali, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
Narinder Singh, Bayer, St. Louis, MO

Program Description:

The Hard Winter Wheat Coordinated Project (HWW-CP) is an efficient coordinated project that will measure its success by reducing DON in the hard winter wheat grain supply to the food grade level acceptable in the European Union (EU).  This level is currently lower than the US standard.  Because half of our grain is exported and the majority of it shipped to the EU, the risk is that it can be sourced from high scab areas within the HWW region (e.g. the Eastern Great Plains).  As the popularity of whole grain products increases, our goal is to ensure that the DON concentration in these products is also below established thresholds.  Based upon the timelines expected for success in reducing DON, the HWW-CP includes the scientific activities of plant breeders, pathologists, geneticists, and supporting research programs. We coordinate with disease management efforts because we realize that in addition to improved varieties, improved management will optimize project success (as measured by reducing DON) within expected timelines.  HWW-CP germplasm and information are publicly available and made available to other participating researchers in other research areas of the USWBSI.  The HWW-CP remains focused on reducing DON levels as quickly as possible and by using the most efficacious methods to do so (breeding and management).  Membership in the HWW-CP includes all researchers currently funded within the CP, individuals designated as representatives from other research areas of the USWBSI, all interested FHB researchers who may or may not be funded by the USWBSI, stakeholders representing members from groups that fund our research (e.g. the KS, NE, SD, ND, TX and MT Wheat Commissions), and members of groups that are key to our industry and who non-monetarily support HWW-CP research.  These are “independent” stakeholders, such as major mills and bakeries, private wheat breeders, and chemical company representatives. The HWW-CP is organized around goals outlined in the Varienty Development and Host Resistance (VDHR) and FHB Management (MGMT) sections of the USWBSI Action Plan.


Figure 1. Flow-chart of HWW-CP activities.


Summary of Funding
  FY24 (2024-25) FY23 (2023-24)
Number of Projects: 12 10
Number of PIs: 11 10
Total Award Amount: $753,868 $637,008
% of Total Funding: 9.85% 7.36%
Research Projects: FY24 FY23



Research Reports/Publications

Workshop/Planning Meeting Reports

Hard Winter Wheat Nursery Reports/Updates Reports posted for past 5 years, prior reports available in the USWBSI Documents Database
