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Research VDHR

Program Description | Research Priorities | Regional Coordinated Committees | Milestone Matrices | Summary of Funding | Publications/Report Updates | Useful Links

Variety Development and Host Resistance (VDHR)

VDHR Uniform Nursery Coordinating Committee  Updated:  1/1/21
Spring Wheat Andrew Green, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
Northern Soft Winter Wheat Clay Sneller, Ohio State University, Wooster, OH
Southern Soft Red Winter Wheat Steve Harrison, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, LA

Program Description:

The VDHR research area for spring wheat and soft winter wheat will be organized around participation in the Uniform Nurseries.  States will be aligned as follows: Uniform Regional Scab Nursery for Spring Wheat Parents (VDHR-SPR CP) - ID, MN, MT, ND, and SD; Uniform Northern Winter Wheat FHB Screening Nursery (VDHR-NWW CP) - IL, IN, KY, MI, MO, NY, and OH; Uniform Southern Soft Red Winter Wheat FHB Screening Nursery (VDHR-SWW CP) - AR, GA, LA, MD, NC, SC, TX, and VA.  VDHR research will be commodity-based in the case of barley, durum, and hard winter wheat coordinated projects.

Each Uniform nursery will be coordinated by a regional committee. Nurseries will be conducted in collaboration with a pathologist wherever possible and a subset of promising entries may be grown at multiple locations in Integrated Management Trials. The nurseries will also be evaluated for milling and baking quality, and haplotyped at the USDA regional genotyping labs. The most promising lines may be entered in the nurseries for a second year of testing at the lines originator’s request. Collaborators will submit candidate parents for crossing, and prebreeding populations derived from these crosses/populations will be shared. Mapping of new resistance sources will be accomplished through joint phenotyping of populations. All collaborators will screen varieties and breeding lines entered into statewide performance trials for FHB resistance and provide this information to growers.

FY22 Research Priorities Derived from Action Plan Goals:

  1. Increase and document the number of released varieties from public programs with improved FHB resistance, high grain yield and grain quality that are tested in statewide variety trials and available to farmers, to reduce DON in the US grain supply.
  2. Increase efficiency of coordinated project breeding programs to develop and release FHB resistant varieties.
    • Enhance cooperation and coordination of research among programs. For example, phenotypic data should be uploaded to the T3 database, and early generation populations could be shared among programs. Sharing of DHs funded by the Initiative is another example of cooperation. A coordinated genomic selection program also has the potential to increase efficiency.
    • Develop more robust quantitative scoring techniques to reduce reliance on subjective visual scores and increase consistency across research programs.
  3. Evaluate and implement modern breeding technologies to further enhance short term and long-term improvement of FHB resistance, and to efficiently introgress effective resistance genes into breeding germplasm.
    • Enhance selection efficiency through technologies such as genomic selection, marker-assisted selection, doubled haploid production and/or high throughput phenotyping. The utilization of speed breeding techniques where feasible has the potential to increase efficiency.

Current version of Action Plan (Updated:  5/31/19)


Regional Coordinated Committees

Updated: 1/1/21



Spring Wheat Region Northern Soft Winter Wheat Southern Soft Winter Wheat
Chair - Andrew Green, North Dakota State Univ. Chair - Clay Sneller, Ohio State Univ. Chair - Steve Harrison, Louisiana State Univ. Agricultural Center
Jason Cook, Montana State Univ. Jessica Rutkoski, Univ. of Illinois Rick Boyles, Clemson Univ.
Juliet Marshall, Univ. of Idaho Dave Van Sanford, Univ. of Kentucky Allen Becker, GrowPro Genetics, LLC




FY17 (2017-18)
Region: Spring Wheat (VDHR-SPR) Northern Winter Wheat (VDHR-NWW) Southern Winter Wheat (VDHR-SWW)
Number of Projects: 12 24 (includes 4 multi-PI projects) 12 (includes 1 multi-PI project)
Number of PIs: 9 8 6
Total Award Amount: $594,170 $655,826 $424,647
% Total Rec. Funding: 10.32% 11.39% 7.37%



FY18 (2018-19)
Region: Spring Wheat (VDHR-SPR) Northern Winter Wheat (VDHR-NWW) Southern Winter Wheat (VDHR-SWW)
Number of Projects: 14 (includes 2 multi-PI projects 24 (includes 4 multi-PI projects) 12 (includes 1 multi-PI project)
Number of PIs: 12 8 7
Total Award Amount: $680,895 $716,058 $564,961
% Total Rec. Funding: 11.70% 12.40% 9.71%



Research Reports/Publications

Workshop/Planning Meeting Reports

Spring Wheat Nursery Reports/Updates


Northern Winter Wheat Nursery Reports/Updates


Southern Winter Wheat Nursery Reports/Updates



Useful Links


  1. Increase and document the number of released varieties from public programs with improved FHB resistance, high grain yield and grain quality that are tested in statewide variety trials and available to farmers, to reduce DON in the US grain supply.
  2. Increase efficiency of coordinated project breeding programs to develop and release FHB resistant varieties.
    • Enhance cooperation and coordination of research among programs. For example, phenotypic data should be uploaded to the T3 database, and early generation populations could be shared among programs. Sharing of DHs funded by the Initiative is another example of cooperation.
      A coordinated genomic selection program also has the potential to increase efficiency.
  3. Develop more robust quantitative scoring techniques to reduce reliance on subjective visual scores and increase consistency across research programs.
    1. Evaluate and implement modern breeding technologies to further enhance short term and long-term improvement of FHB resistance, and to efficiently introgress effective resistance genes into breeding germplasm.
      • Enhance selection efficiency through technologies such as genomic selection, marker-assisted selection, doubled haploid production and/or high throughput phenotyping.