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Submitted by Northern Great… on 20, Jun 2024
Fusarium head blight risk continues to remain low for most of the state. If a very susceptible variety was grown (FHB score of 7 or higher in HRSW Variety Guide), moderate to high risk exists in northeast North Dakota (Figure 1). Most of the state received rain over the past couple days, and several areas of the state will receive more rain in the coming days. The precipitation in combination with higher relative humidity values projected next week will likely increase scab risk in the state. Based on field reports, the earliest planted spring wheat is at boot to heading stages with the late planted wheat in the early leaf stages. Given the large variation in growth stages, make sure to pay attention to the weather and scab risk as the barley crop starts to head and the spring wheat and durum crop enter heading to flowering.

--Andrew Friskop, Associate Professor and Cereal Extension Pathologist, North Dakota State University