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Steering Committee (SC)

The Steering Committee (SC) exists to ensure comprehensive input from all stakeholders in the scab issue.  It seeks to forge consensus strategies for the scientific, organizational, and budgetary aspects of FHB (scab) on wheat and barley. To view minutes from previous Steering Committee meetings, see links at the end of this page.

Steering Committee (SC) Members - Updated: 1/1/25


Executive Committee (EC) Members

Updated: 1/1/25  (Go to EC's/HQ Home Page)

Rich Horsley, North Dakota State University

Spring Wheat:
Co-Chair - Ruth Dill-Macky, University of Minnesota
Gary Muehlbauer, University of Minnesota

Winter Wheat:
Esten Mason, Colorado State University
Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky

Durum Wheat:
Steve Xu, USDA-ARS

Private Grower:
Co-Chair - Richard Magnusson (Grower, Minnesota)

Malting Industry:
Scott Heisel, American Malting Barley Association

Milling Industry:
Reuben McLean, Grain Craft

USDA-ARS-NPS Designated Agency Official to the USWBSI:
Oswald Crasta, USDA-ARS-NPS, Beltsville, MD


Research Area (RA) Committee Chairs

Updated: 1/1/25

FHB Management (MGMT) - Go to MGMT's Home Page
Chair, Kaitlyn Bissonnette, Cotton, Inc., Cary, NC
Food Safety and Toxicology (FST) - Go to FST's Home Page
Chair, Dave Kendra, Cibus, San Diego, CA
Gene Discovery and Engineering Resistance (GDER) - Go to GDER's Home Page
Chair, Harold Trick, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Pathogen Biology and Genetics (PBG) - Go to PBG's Home Page
Chair, Guixia Hao, USDA-ARS, Peoria, IL


Coordinated Project (CP) Committee Chairs

Updated: 1/1/24

Commodity-Based CPs

Variety Development and Host Resistance (VDHR) - Regional Uniform Nurseries



Steering Committee Minutes from Open Meetings