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Submitted by Mid Atlantic S… on 10, May 2022
Wheat is currently flowering on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Growers with susceptible varieties planted are advised to spray head scab fungicides (Prosaro/ Caramba/ Miravis-Ace). However, if your planted wheat variety is resistant, the predicted risk for FHB is not high, so you can skip using the FHB fungicide application. Please note that if you are concerned about other fungal diseases like powdery mildew in your crop, you should still opt for the FHB fungicides at this stage. Strobilurin containing fungicides should not be sprayed at this stage. These fungicides do not need to be tank-mixed with another product for spraying. The fungicide products should be applied at the full rate recommended by the manufacturers. In the Northern counties, we are still around a week away from flowering.

--Nidhi Rawat, Small Grains Pathologist, University of Maryland