Research DUR-CP
Durum Coordinated Project (DUR-CP)
Durum Coordinated Project Committee Members as of 1/1/25 |
Chair, Andrew Friskop, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND |
Elias Elias, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND |
Greg Miller, Winland Foods, St. Louis, MO |
Shaobin Zhong, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND |
Program Description:
The Durum Coordinated Project's (DUR-CP) main objective is to develop FHB resistant durum wheat germplasm (lines/cultivars) with low DON levels, good agronomic traits, and good quality traits that will serve the producers, the domestic pasta industry, and the international export market. Reducing the impact of FHB requires a multidisciplinary effort and therefore the CP includes research conducted by plant breeders, pathologists, geneticists, agronomists and other individuals working in FHB management. The CP also has representation from stakeholders such as durum producers, millers, and pasta manufacturers. The Durum CP is organized around goals outlined in the Varienty Development and Host Resistance (VDHR) and FHB Management (MGMT) sections of the USWBSI Action Plan.
Summary of Funding | ||
FY24 (2024-25) | FY23 (2023-24) | |
Number of Projects: | 11 | 11 |
Number of PIs: | 10 | 10 |
Total Award Amount: | $569,646 | $657,326* |
% of Total Funding: | 7.44% | 7.59% |
Research Projects: | FY24 | FY23 |
Research Reports
- Report: 2021 USWBSI Durum CP Planning Meeting Posted: 6/14/21
- Report: 2017 USWBSI Durum CP Planning Meeting
- Report: 2015 USWBSI Durum CP Planning Meeting
- Report: 2013 USWBSI Durum CP Planning Meeting
- Report: 2011 USWBSI Durum CP Planning Meeting
- Report: 2009 USWBSI Durum CP Planning Meeting
- Report: 2008 USWBSI Durum CP Planning Meeting