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Submitted by National on 12, Jun 2024
The focus of the wheat scab (Fusarium head blight) prediction effort is currently on SD, MN and ND where wheat is approaching or already at the heading and flowering stages of growth that are critical to the development of Fusarium head blight. The risk maps are currently estimating a low risk of severe disease in these regions, but growers should monitor conditions carefully for extended periods of high relative humidity that favor disease development.

Below are a few tips for using the web-based tools: The website shows the disease risk for susceptible wheat varieties for today’s date. You can select earlier assessment dates by clicking on the calendar menu at the top of the risk map.

Use the menu button on the upper left to view risk maps for wheat varieties with other levels of genetic resistance to Fusarium head blight. This menu also provides options for viewing additional map features or focusing on just areas with a high density of wheat production.

Risk maps based on 2, 4 or 6 days of forecasted weather can help users anticipate future trends in disease risk. These maps are available by selecting the 2d, 4d and 6d buttons to the right of the calendar menu.

You can activate graphs of recent weather and trends in disease risk by clicking on the base risk map. The bottom graph panel displays the disease risk for wheat varieties with different levels of genetic susceptibility to Fusarium head blight. The top graph panel displays trends in relative humidity that are conducive for disease development.S

--Erick DeWolf, Plant Pathologist, Kansas State University