Wheat is, or will soon be, flowering (Feekes growth stage 10.5.1) in parts of central and northern Ohio. Feekes 10.5.1 is the growth stage at which the crop is most susceptible to infection by the fungus that causes head scab and produces vomitoxin. However, most fields across the state are currently at low risk for head scab. This is likely because of the relatively low temperatures we have experienced over the last few days. The map indicates that the risk for head scab development is low (mostly yellow) in fields flowering today, May 26, and assessments based on 2-6 days of forecasted weather suggest that the risk will continue to be low in the western 2/3 of the state where most of the wheat is grown and moderate (specks of orange) in a few areas out east. Continue to look at the tool as more fields reach anthesis; the risk could change quickly as it warms up, particularly if the warmer weather is accompanied by high relative humidity and/or frequent rainfall. --Pierce Anderson Paul, Extension Plant Pathologist, The Ohio State University