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Research PBG


Pathogen Biology and Genetics (PBG)


PBG Research Area Committee  Members as of: 1/1/24
Chair, Lisa Vaillancourt, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Vice-Chair, Guixia Hao, USDA-ARS, Peoria, IL
Santiago Mideros, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Milton Drott, USDA-ARS, St. Paul, MN
Gazala Ameen, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
Christopher Toomajian, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS


Program Description

Research in this area includes studies that address mycotoxin biosynthesis in vivo or in planta, host-pathogen interactions, pathogen natural diversity, and responses of the pathogen to host resistance mechanisms and pathogen control strategies. Research in PBG should complement and be linked to whole plant research that will lead to disease control and/or toxin reduction strategies. See the Pathogen Biology and Genetics (PBG) section of the USWBSI Action Plan for research goals and needs.

Summary of Funding
  FY24 (2024-25) FY23 (2023-24)
Number of Projects: (includes 2 multi-PI projects) (includes 2 multi-PI projects)
Number of PIs: 8 9
Total Award Amount: $311,870 $417,834*
% of Total Funding: 4.07% 4.83%
Research Projects: FY24 FY23


*Received Equipment Request Funding


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