Monday, December 6
Opening Plenary Session
Forum Organizing Committee Co-Chairs & Moderators:
Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky and
Carl Schwinke, Siemer Milling
Pacific | Mountain | Central | Eastern |
8:00 a.m. | 9:00 a.m. | 10:00 a.m. | 11:00 a.m. |
25 Min
Resisting susceptibility to FHB
Paul Nicholson, John Innes Centre; Norfolk, EnglandView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Paul Nicholson, John Innes Centre; Norfolk, EnglandView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

20 Min
Challenges and mitigations of Fusarium impacts in malting and brewing
Xiang Yin, RAHR CorporationView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Xiang Yin, RAHR CorporationView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

Pathogen Biology & Genetics (PBG) Session
Moderators: Peter Oppenheimer, North Carolina State University
and Zhao Jin, North Dakota State University
Pacific | Mountain | Central | Eastern |
9:30 a.m. | 10:30 a.m. | 11:30 a.m. | 12:30 a.m. |
25 Min
Impact of microbial associations on Fusarium graminearum virulence and disease
Briana Whitaker, USDA-ARS NCAURView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Briana Whitaker, USDA-ARS NCAURView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

25 Min
Unraveling the mystery behind increased DON levels in malting grains
Shyam Solanki, South Dakota State University View Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Shyam Solanki, South Dakota State University View Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

30 Min
Poster Session (see page 7)
Interactive time with PBG Poster Authors via Zoom Breakouts
Interactive time with PBG Poster Authors via Zoom Breakouts

Gene Discovery & Engineering Resistance (GDER) Session
Moderators: Rong Di, Rutgers University and Guihua Bai, USDA
Pacific | Mountain | Central | Eastern |
11:30 a.m. | 12:30 a.m. | 1:30 p.m. | 2:30 p.m. |
25 Min
CRISPR-gene editing to engineer plants for disease resistance
Bing Yang, University of MissouriView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Bing Yang, University of MissouriView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

25 Min
Applications of the PHG database in wheat breeding
Katherine Jordan, USDA-ARSView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Katherine Jordan, USDA-ARSView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

30 Min
Poster Session (see page 6)
Interactive time with GDER Poster Authors via Zoom Breakouts
Interactive time with GDER Poster Authors via Zoom Breakouts

Food Safety & Toxicology (FST) Session
Moderators: Dave Kendra, BASF and JIajia Rao, North Dakota State University
Pacific | Mountain | Central | Eastern |
1:30 p.m. | 2:30 p.m. | 3:30 p.m. | 4:30 p.m. |
25 Min
Impact of botanical biofumigants on grain fungal contaminants and food safety
William Hay, USDA-ARSView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
William Hay, USDA-ARSView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

25 Min
Essential oil based nanoemulsions as antifungal agents in food processing
Jiajia Rao, North Dakota State UniversityView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Jiajia Rao, North Dakota State UniversityView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

15 Min
Poster Session (see page 5)
Interactive time with FST Poster Authors via Zoom Breakouts
Interactive time with FST Poster Authors via Zoom Breakouts

After Hours: Early Career USWBSI Meetup
Moderator: Peter Oppenheimer, North Carolina State University
Pacific | Mountain | Central | Eastern |
3:00 p.m. | 4:00 p.m. | 5:00 p.m. | 6:00 p.m. |
60 Min
Opportunity for graduate students and post-docs to network and meet with
their peers while having a chance to ask an early career professional key
career tips. Learn more and view the Early Career Professionals Lineup.

Tuesday, December 7
FHB Management (MGMT) Session
Moderators: Christina Cowger, USDA and Ce Yang, University of Minnesota
Pacific | Mountain | Central | Eastern |
8:00 a.m. | 9:00 a.m. | 10:00 a.m. | 11:00 a.m. |
25 Min
Utilizing a high-throughput field based rover for high fidelity and high temporal resolution of FHB phenotyping
Cory Hirsch, University of MinnesotaView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Cory Hirsch, University of MinnesotaView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

10 Min
Fungicide timing and efficacy for FHB reduction in winter barley
Christina Cowger, USDA-ARSView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Christina Cowger, USDA-ARSView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

10 Min
Pre-flowering fungicide applications for FHB management in wheat
Pierce Paul, Ohio State UniversityView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Pierce Paul, Ohio State UniversityView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

45 Min
Poster Session (see page 5)
Interactive time with FST Poster Authors via Zoom Breakouts
Interactive time with FST Poster Authors via Zoom Breakouts

Variety Development & Host Resistance (VDHR) Session
Moderators: Jessica Rupp, Kansas State University and Nicholas Santantonio, Virginia Tech
Pacific | Mountain | Central | Eastern |
10:15 a.m. | 11:15 a.m. | 12:15 p.m. | 1:15 p.m. |
25 Min
Serendipity and Strategy: Improving FHB Resistance in Hard Winter Wheat
Allan Fritz, Kansas State UniversityView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Allan Fritz, Kansas State UniversityView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

10 Min
Multi-trait genomic selection and it’s potential to streamline scab resistance phenotyping
Jessica Rutkoski, University of IllinoisView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Jessica Rutkoski, University of IllinoisView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

10 Min
Breeding for FHB resistance in hard red winter wheat
Sunish Sehgal, South Dakota State UniversityView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)
Sunish Sehgal, South Dakota State UniversityView Abstract>>
Q&A (5 min)

30 Min
Poster Session (see page 6)
Interactive time with GDER Poster Authors via Zoom Breakouts
Interactive time with GDER Poster Authors via Zoom Breakouts

Closing Session: Virtual Malting Operations and Brewery Tour & FHB Trivia Networking
Forum Organizing Committee Co-Chairs & Moderators: Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky and Carl Schwinke, Siemer Milling
Pacific | Mountain | Central | Eastern |
12:30 p.m. | 1:30 p.m. | 2:30 p.m. | 3:30 p.m. |
Participants will have a chance to virtually tour RAHR Corporation’s malt production and technical center as
well as the Luce Line Brewing Co., followed by randomized breakout sessions for FHB Trivia and informal
networking! Test your FHB knowledge and plan to stay after the tour to participate to reconnect with your
colleagues. The NFHB Forum will conclude with the announcement of the 2021 NFHB Forum Poster
Awardees, sponsored by BASF, along with USWBSI recognitions.
5 Min

Closing Session Overview
Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky
Carl Schwinke, Siemer Milling
NFHB Forum Co-Chairs
Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky
Carl Schwinke, Siemer Milling
NFHB Forum Co-Chairs

20 Min
Rahr Malting Operations & Luce Line Brewing Virtual Tour
Xiang Yin, RAHR Corporation
Tim Naumann, Luce Line Brewing Co.
Xiang Yin, RAHR Corporation
Tim Naumann, Luce Line Brewing Co.

20 Min
FHB Trivia Networking
All Attendees
All Attendees

15 Min
Awards & Recognitions NFHB Forum Closing
Richard Magnusson, Magnusson Farms
Richard Magnusson, Magnusson Farms

Pacific | Mountain | Central | Eastern |
1:30 p.m. | 2:30 p.m. | 3:30 p.m. | 4:30 p.m. |
Special Thanks!

The USWBSI is a national multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional research consortium whose goal is
to develop effective control measures that minimize the threat of Fusarium Head Blight (scab),
including the production of mycotoxins, for producers, processors and consumers of wheat and barley.
The USWBSI’s annual budget comes from Federal funds appropriated through the USDA-ARS.

USWBSI Networking & Facilitation Office (NFO) | nfo@scabusa.org | scabusa.org | 495 Borlaug Hall | 1991 Upper Buford Circle | St. Paul, MN 55108