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Submitted by Mid Atlantic S… on 12, May 2023
Wheat in Maryland is mostly either flowering or finishing up flowering. As I always say, genetic resistance goes a long way in FHB management. If you planted a resistant variety the FHB risk is minimal at this point, whereas if you have a susceptible variety, the risk is catching up. So, if your wheat is flowering currently, and you have a susceptible variety, it is suggested to consider fungicide application for FHB management. The recommended stage for application of fungicides on wheat is at flowering (50% of the main tillers showing yellow anthers) or within 4-5 days of that. The fungicides effective for FHB are Miravis-Ace/ Prosaro/ Prosaro-Pro/ Sphaerex). These fungicides do not need to be tank mixed with another product for spraying. The fungicide products should be applied at the full rate recommended by the manufacturers. Strobilurin containing fungicides should not be sprayed at this stage. If your wheat is past flowering already, you don’t need to spray these fungicides. However, if it is not flowering yet, it's a good idea to keep a watch on the weather and the FHB risk.

--Nidhi Rawat, Small Grains Pathologist, University of Maryland