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ID: FY22-PB-005
Title: Spherical Nucleic Acid Nanomaterials as Fungicide and FHB Resistance-promoting Agents
Institution: USDA-Agricultural Research Service
Fiscal Year: 2023
Principal Investigator: Steve Scofield
Research Area: Pathogen Biology and Genetics
Amount Funded: $60087.00
Amount Recommended (includes SBIR):: $60087.00

Project Contacts

NameInstitutionOrganizational UnitTelephoneFaxEmailWeb Page
Scofield, SteveUSDA-Agricultural Research Service"Crop Production and Pest Control Research765-494-3674765-494-3452steve.scofield@usda.gov

Project Documents

TitleSubmitted ByDocument FileCategory
Spherical Nucleic acid Nanomaterials as Fungicide and FHB Resistance-Promoting AgentsScofield, SteveFY22-PB-005_Abstract_ScofieldS.pdfAbstracts