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ID: FY22-NW-004
Title: Development of Scab Resistant SRW Wheat Varieties and Cooperative Phenotyping
Institution: University of Illinois
Fiscal Year: 2023
Principal Investigator: Jessica Rutkoski
Research Area: VDHR Northern Winter Wheat
Amount Funded: $131324.00
Amount Recommended (includes SBIR):: $136117.00

Project Contacts

NameInstitutionOrganizational UnitTelephoneFaxEmailWeb Page
Rutkoski, JessicaUniversity of Illinois"217-300-6970jrut@illinois.edu

Project Documents

TitleSubmitted ByDocument FileCategory
Development of Scab Resistant SRW Wheat Varieties and Cooperative PhenotypingRutkoski, JessicaFY22-NW-004_Abstract_RutkoskiJ.pdfAbstracts
Development of Scab Resistant SRW Wheat Varieties and Cooperative Phenotyping Rutkoski, Jessica2023APR_FY22-NW-004_RutkoskiJ.pdfPerformance Reports