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ID: FY12-SW-007
Title: Developing Double Haploids to Expedite Mapping and Enhance FHB Resistance in SRWW.
Institution: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Fiscal Year: 2012
Principal Investigator: Carl A. Griffey
Research Area: VDHR Southern Winter Wheat
Amount Funded: $6280.00
Amount Recommended (includes SBIR):: $6443.00

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Project Documents

TitleSubmitted ByDocument FileCategory
Developing Double Haploids to Expedite Mapping and Enhance FHB Resistance in SRWW.Griffey, Carl A.FY12_ABSTRACT_Griffey_Double-Haploid.pdfAbstracts
Griffey, Carl - FY12 Final Performance Report.Griffey, Carl A.FY12-FPR_Griffey.pdfPerformance Reports