Research FST
Program Description | Research Priorities | Summary of Funding | Publications/Report Updates | Useful Links
Food Safety and Toxicology (FST)
FST Research Area Committee Members as of:1/1/25 |
Chair, Dave Kendra, Cibus, San Diego, CA |
Vice-Chair, Mark Busman, USDA-ARS, Peoria, IL |
Chris Maragos, USDA-ARS, Peoria, IL |
Zhao Jin, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND |
Project Description
The Food Safety and Toxicology (FST) research area supports research on food safety and food processing issues related to the presence of Fusarium spp. mycotoxins in wheat and barley grain. Practical outcomes of research in this area include: 1) analytical tools that can be used by small grain producers, elevators, millers, and processors, to rapidly and reliably identify mycotoxin-contaminated grain; 2) develop appropriate strategies to deal with contaminated grain; and 3) diagnostic data on Fusarium spp. mycotoxins required for development of FHB resistant/tolerant varieties of wheat and barley.
FY22 Research Priorities Derived from Action Plan Goals:
- Provide analytical support for DON/trichothecene quantitation for the Initiative’s stakeholders.
- Support research on DON/trichothecene safety that is needed by producers, grain processors, researchers, risk assessors, and regulators.
Current version of Action Plan (Updated: 5/31/19)
*Received Equipment Request Funding
Updates/Research Reports/Publications
- Mycotoxins in Canada: A Perspective for 2013 Posted: 12/20/13
- Update on Acetonitrile shortage - NDSU DON Testing Lab. (Posted: 1/27/09)
- Sampling Grain for Deoxynivalenol (DON) Analysis: A Researchers Guide (PDF) (Posted: 7/16/07)
- Grain Sampling for DON Analysis (PDF) (Posted: 6/28/07)
- DON White Paper - Deoxynivalenol: Known Facts and Research Questions (PDF)
- Memo from Co-Chairs: Update on DON Testing Labs (Posted: 2/28/07)
- CODEX Document on DON (PDF) - see pages 8-9.
- DON (Vomitoxin) in Wheat