USWBSI Abstract Viewer

2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum

Opening Session Speaker

Invited Presenter

Feeding the 10 Billion: Thinking Through the Journey

Authors & Affiliations:

Ed Souza1
1. BASF Agricultural Products, Beaver Crossing, NE 68313
Corresponding Author: Ed Souza,

Corresponding Author:

Edward Souza


We as crop scientists are challenged to increase our effectiveness in delivering products of our research to farmers.  Those products will need to increase production, be healthful food for people, and tolerate if not mitigate climate change.  Effectiveness is the percentage of our research projects that are realized in a farmgate product that significantly improves one of those three needs.  This paper presents a standard, non-novel, but useful methodology for critically evaluating research related to the wheat crop.  Scientists within the USWBSI work on projects that fall along a continuum.  Some are basic discovery projects that have 20 timelines for product delivery.  Others are life-cycle management of current technologies with immediate application.  Balancing delivery time and magnitude of impact are crucial for our innovation investment to be effective.  Selection of technologies with appropriate probability of success will be discussed.

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