USWBSI Abstract Viewer

2022 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum

FHB Management (MGMT)

Invited Presenter

A Trip Across The Pond and a Few New Friends

Authors & Affiliations:

Debra Seymour1
1. Miles Farms, LLC
Corresponding Author: Debra Seymour,

Corresponding Author:

Debra Seymour


In the late 80’s Billy Joe Miles, president of Miles Farm Supply was invited to England. While there, he was impressed with 100 bushel per acre yields at a time when the Kentucky state average was 33 bushel per acre. In a major initiative to bring this agronomic knowledge to the states, Miles brought consultants to the U.S. and exchanged information with farmers, extension agents and local input providers. This was the beginning of intensive wheat cultivation in the U.S. The concept that higher inputs with proper timing can improve yields and quality has had a huge impact on profitability and increasing our food supply. This is the story of how asking “why not” has had a major impact on wheat cultivation in the United States.

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