The fungal pathogen Fusarium
graminearum causes Fusarium head blight (FHB) on wheat and barley and contaminates
grain with trichothecene mycotoxins. In the presence of microbes, plants
perceive microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs). The production of reactive
oxygen species (ROS) is a hallmark of plant defense responses during plant and
pathogen interactions. Cell walls of filamentous fungi consist of two main
components: chitin and β-glucans. Although the chitin-mediated immunity is well
studied, less information is available about the role of β-glucans during plant
and pathogen interactions. In this study, we investigated ROS production in
wheat and barley tissues treated with laminarin, an essentially linear glucan
composed of ca. 33 β-1,3-linked Glc residues. Using luminol-based
chemiluminescent assays, we showed that laminarin did not induce ROS bursts in
leaves from eight tested wheat varieties but induced a high and broad ROS burst
in barley leaves. Our prior study found that chitin induced ROS bursts in wheat
head tissues including rachis nodes. Therefore, we compared ROS production
induced by laminarin and chitin in wheat head tissues. In lemmas and paleae, a ROS
burst was barely induced by chitin, but highly induced by laminarin. In rachises
and rachis nodes, a high and broad ROS peak was induced by laminarin. Overall,
significantly higher ROS were induced in all tested tissues by laminarin
compared to chitin. Furthermore, we determined that plant defense genes were
upregulated in wheat heads treated with laminarin. Currently, we are
investigating the effects of chitin or laminarin treatments on FHB severity and
mycotoxin contamination.
This material
is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This is a
cooperative project with the U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab Initiative. Any
opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this
publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view
of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.