USWBSI Abstract Viewer

2021 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum

Variety Development and Host Resistance (VDHR)

Poster # 143

Predicting Fusarium Head Blight Resistance for Advanced Trials in a Soft Red Winter Wheat Breeding Program with Genomic Selection

Authors & Affiliations:

Dylan L. Larkin1, R. Esten Mason2, David E. Moon3, Amanda L. Holder4, Brian P. Ward5 and Gina Brown-Guedira6
1. Aardevo North America, Boise, ID, USA 2. Colorado State University, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Fort Collins, CO, USA 3. University of Arkansas, Crop Soil and Environmental Sciences, Fayettevile, AR, USA 4. Agriculture Department, Crowder College, Joplin, MO, USA 5. Ohio State University, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, Wooster, OH, USA 6. USDA-ARS SEA, Plant Science Research, Raleigh, NC, USA

Corresponding Author:

Esten Mason
Colorado State University


Many studies have evaluated the effectiveness of genomic selection (GS) using cross-validation within training populations; however, few have looked at its performance for forward prediction within a breeding program. The objectives for this study were to compare the performance of naïve GS (NGS) models without covariates and multi-trait GS (MTGS) models by predicting two years of F4:7 advanced breeding lines for three Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance traits, deoxynivalenol (DON) accumulation, Fusarium damaged kernels (FDK), and severity (SEV) in soft red winter wheat and comparing predictions with phenotypic performance over two years of selection based on selection accuracy and response to selection. On average, for DON, the NGS model correctly selected 69.2% of elite genotypes, while the MTGS model correctly selected 70.1% of elite genotypes compared with 33.0% based on phenotypic selection from the advanced generation. During the 2018 breeding cycle, GS models had the greatest response to selection for DON, FDK, and SEV compared with phenotypic selection. The MTGS model performed better than NGS during the 2019 breeding cycle for all three traits, whereas NGS outperformed MTGS during the 2018 breeding cycle for all traits except for SEV. Overall, GS models were comparable, if not better than phenotypic selection for FHB resistance traits. This is particularly helpful when adverse environmental conditions prohibit accurate phenotyping. This study also shows that MTGS models can be effective for forward prediction when there are strong correlations between traits of interest and covariates in both training and validation populations.

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