USWBSI Abstract Viewer

2021 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum

FHB Management (MGMT)

Poster # 108

Introduction to Prosaro® Pro - a New Fungicide for Control of Leaf and Head Diseases in Wheat and Barley

Authors & Affiliations:

Kevin B. Thorsness, Rory Cranston, and Randy A. Myers
Bayer Crop Science

Corresponding Author:

Kevin Thorsness
Bayer Crop Science


Prosaro® PRO 400 SC Fungicide is a new fungicide from Bayer Crop Science for broad-spectrum control of leaf and head diseases in small grain cereals.  Prosaro® PRO was registered in the 3rd quarter of 2021 in several states of the United States and will be available for commercial use in 2022.  Prosaro® PRO is a mixture of prothioconazole plus tebuconazole plus fluopyram.  These three active ingredients provide overlapping control of key head and foliar diseases in cereal small grains.   Prosaro® PRO provides increased control of Fusarium head blight and several important leaf diseases as well as suppression of ergot, compared to Prosaro®.  Prosaro® PRO is registered for use in spring wheat, durum wheat, winter wheat, and barley.  Prosaro® PRO is formulated as a soluble concentrate for ease of handling.  Prosaro® PRO should be applied at 10.3 to 13.6 fl oz/ac with a non-ionic surfactant to wheat or barley, up to 30  and 32 days prior to harvest, respectively.  For maximum performance of Prosaro® PRO in wheat, it is recommended to apply at flower initiation and up to 4-7 days later.  For barley, it is recommended to apply Prosaro® PRO when barley heads are fully emerged on the main stems.  Replicated trials were conducted at several locations throughout the United States from 2018 to 2021, with Prosaro® PRO at 10.3 fl oz/ac with a non-ionic surfactant at 0.125% v/v.  Additionally, in 2018 to 2021, large demonstration trials were conducted by growers in commercial fields.  The growers applied a tank mix treatment of Prosaro® plus Proline® plus Luna® Privilege at rates that delivered prothioconazole plus tebuconazole plus fluopyram equivalent to Prosaro® PRO at 10.3 fl oz/ac.  These treatments were compared to either a non-treated check or Prosaro® at 6.5 to 8.2 fl oz/ac.  The objective of these trials was to evaluate the influence of Prosaro® PRO on grain yield and grain quality in wheat and barley.  Disease ratings were recorded where applicable.  The trials were harvested, and grain yield and grain quality were determined.

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